Sum of the n-th maximal anti-run of adjacent (increasing by more than one at a time) non-perfect-powers.

%I #5 Sep 11 2024 10:07:21

%S 2,8,6,17,11,12,13,14,32,18,19,20,21,22,23,78,29,30,64,34,72,38,39,40,

%T 41,42,43,44,45,46,47,98,51,52,53,54,55,56,57,58,59,60,61,62,128,66,

%U 67,68,69,70,71,72,73,74,75,76,77,78,79,162,83,84,85,86,87

%N Sum of the n-th maximal anti-run of adjacent (increasing by more than one at a time) non-perfect-powers.

%C Non-perfect-powers (A007916) are numbers with no proper integer roots.

%C An anti-run of a sequence is an interval of positions at which consecutive terms differ by more than one.

%e The initial anti-runs are the following, whose sums are a(n):

%e (2)

%e (3,5)

%e (6)

%e (7,10)

%e (11)

%e (12)

%e (13)

%e (14)

%e (15,17)

%e (18)

%e (19)

%e (20)

%e (21)

%e (22)

%e (23)

%e (24,26,28)

%t radQ[n_]:=n>1&&GCD@@Last/@FactorInteger[n]==1;

%t Total/@Split[Select[Range[100],radQ],#1+1!=#2&]//Most

%Y For nonprime numbers we have A373404, runs A054265.

%Y For squarefree numbers we have A373411, runs A373413.

%Y For nonsquarefree numbers we have A373412, runs A373414.

%Y For prime-powers we have A373576, runs A373675.

%Y For non-prime-powers we have A373679, runs A373678.

%Y For anti-runs of non-perfect-powers:

%Y - length: A375736

%Y - first: A375738

%Y - last: A375739

%Y - sum: A375737 (this)

%Y For runs of non-perfect-powers:

%Y - length: A375702

%Y - first: A375703

%Y - last: A375704

%Y - sum: A375705

%Y A001597 lists perfect-powers, differences A053289.

%Y A007916 lists non-perfect-powers, differences A375706.

%Y Cf. A007674, A045542, A046933, A053797, A216765, A251092, A373403, A375714.

%K nonn

%O 1,1

%A _Gus Wiseman_, Sep 10 2024