A cycle of length 5 when iterating x <- phi(sigma(x)).

%I #13 Aug 08 2024 14:49:40

%S 339026688000000,377975808000000,424639621324800,483184764518400,

%T 453984583680000

%N A cycle of length 5 when iterating x <- phi(sigma(x)).

%C The first term in the sequence is the smallest member of the cycle. This is the 5-cycle with the smallest members. Similar cycles are in the crossreferences.

%e phi(sigma(339026688000000)) = 377975808000000, ... phi(sigma(453984583680000)) = 339026688000000, so 339026688000000 is in the sequence.

%Y Cf. A095955, A095956, A001229, A373435, A373453, A373454, A375013, A375014.

%K nonn,fini,full

%O 1,1

%A _Jud McCranie_, Jul 27 2024