The first 286 terms of the sequence are the result of dividing the first 10000 terms of A374965 into "blocks."
Comment from N. J. A. Sloane, Aug 09 2024 (Start):
Suppose p = A374965(t) is a prime in A374965, and is the s-th prime to appear there (that is, A375028(s) = p and A373799(s) = t). The next term in A374965 is by definition A374965(t+1) = prime(t+1) - 1 = r (say). Then the block starting with r has length a(s+1) = A050412(r) + 1. For example, p = 19 = A374965(5) is the second prime in A374695, so we have s = 2, t = 5, and r = prime(6) - 1 = 13 - 1 = 12. Then A050412(12) = 3, which tells us that a(3) = 3 + 1 = 4. The block is [12, 25, 51, 103].
For a larger example, the s = 285th prime in A374965 is p = 160077823 = A374965(7686), so t = 7686. The next block begins with r = prime(7687) - 1 = 78282. After 39 steps of double-and-add-1 (corresponding to A050412(78282) = 39) we reach the 286th prime in A374965, A374965(7726) = 43036534378594303. (End)
N. J. A. Sloane, Table of n, a(n) for n = 1..289 [Terms 1 to 286 from Harvey P. Dale] Obtained using Harvey P. Dale's MMA program.
A374965 begins
1, 3/ 4, 9, 19/ 12, 25, 51, 103/ 28, 57, 115, 231, 463/ 46, 93, 187, 375, 751/ 70, 141, 283/ 82, 165, ...,
where the primes are followed by slashes, to indicate the blocks. The lengths of the initial blocks are 2, 3, 4, 5, 5, 3, ...
nxt[{n_, a_}] := {n + 1, If[! PrimeQ[a], 2 a + 1, Prime[n + 1] - 1]}; vvv=NestList[nxt, {1, 1}, 9999][[;; , 2]]; Total/@Partition[Length/@SplitBy[vvv, PrimeQ], 2] (* Harvey P. Dale, Jul 28 2024 *)
Harvey P. Dale and N. J. A. Sloane, Jul 28 2024.