%I #10 Jun 15 2024 16:34:39
%S 1,1,1,2,1,4,7,26,27,1007,5558,5734,31209
%N Length of the n-th maximal antirun of prime-powers.
%C An antirun of a sequence (in this case A000961 without 1) is an interval of positions at which consecutive terms differ by more than one.
%H Gus Wiseman, <a href="/A373403/a373403.txt">Four statistics for runs and antiruns of prime, nonprime, squarefree, and nonsquarefree numbers</a>.
%F Partial sums are A025528(A006549(n)).
%e The maximal antiruns of prime-powers begin:
%e 2
%e 3
%e 4
%e 5 7
%e 8
%e 9 11 13 16
%e 17 19 23 25 27 29 31
%t Length/@Split[Select[Range[100],PrimePowerQ[#]&],#1+1!=#2&]//Most
%Y For prime antiruns we have A027833.
%Y For nonsquarefree runs we have A053797, firsts A373199.
%Y For non-prime-powers runs we have A110969, firsts A373669, sorted A373670.
%Y For squarefree runs we have A120992.
%Y For prime-power runs we have A174965.
%Y For prime runs we have A175632.
%Y For composite runs we have A176246, firsts A073051, sorted A373400.
%Y For squarefree antiruns we have A373127, firsts A373128.
%Y For composite antiruns we have A373403.
%Y For antiruns of prime-powers:
%Y - length A373671 (this sequence)
%Y - min A120430
%Y - max A006549
%Y For antiruns of non-prime-powers:
%Y - length A373672
%Y - min A373575
%Y - max A255346
%Y A000961 lists the powers of primes (including 1).
%Y A025528 counts prime-powers up to n.
%Y A057820 gives first differences of consecutive prime-powers, gaps A093555.
%Y A361102 lists the non-prime-powers (not including 1 A024619).
%Y Cf. A000040, A001359, A008864, A014963, A038664, A054265, A067774, A251092, A373401.
%K nonn,more
%O 1,4
%A _Gus Wiseman_, Jun 14 2024