Odd addends k > 0 such that x^2 + x + k produces a new minimum of its Hardy-Littlewood Constant.

%I #7 Apr 11 2024 21:55:25

%S 1,3,9,15,33,63,75,225,243,273,453,813,1275,1443,2763,3003,6693,9933,

%T 10515

%N Odd addends k > 0 such that x^2 + x + k produces a new minimum of its Hardy-Littlewood Constant.

%H Martin Raab, <a href="https://www.mersenneforum.org/showpost.php?p=654692&amp;postcount=55">Post in thread Ponder This - March 2024</a>, at Mersenneforum.org, Apr 08 2024 (suggests this sequence).

%o (PARI) \\ Uses function HardyLittlewood2 from a221712.gp; see link in A331940

%o a371349(upto) = {my (Hmin=oo); forstep (k=1, upto, 2, my (H=HardyLittlewood2(x^2+x+k)); if (H<Hmin, print1(k,", "); Hmin=H))};

%o a371349(1500)

%Y Cf. A331940 for more information.

%K nonn,hard,more

%O 1,2

%A _Hugo Pfoertner_, Apr 11 2024, suggested by _Martin Raab_