%I #41 Apr 16 2024 21:07:08
%S 122,247,328,433,482,553,636,762,894,1027,1143,1228,1416,1519,1677,
%T 1760,1859,1963,2127,2285,2324,2423,2557,2630,2736,2817,2896,2983,
%U 3049,3167,3267,3369,3463,3562,3670,3774,3881,4036,4125,4212,4269,4379,4434,4532,4632
%N In the decimal expansion of Pi, positions of ends of sublists each containing decimal digits 0 through 9 in order. Leftmost digit "3" is at position 0.
%H Michael S. Branicky, <a href="/A369598/b369598.txt">Table of n, a(n) for n = 1..10000</a> (terms 1..194 from James S. DeArmon)
%e Scanning from the leftmost digit "3" at position 0, the first "0" is at position 32, followed by "1" at position 37, ..., followed by "9" at position 122. The first term of the sequence is thus 122. The next "0" is at position 128, etc.
%o (Python)
%o from sympy import pi
%o from itertools import count, islice
%o def agen(prec=10**5): # generator of terms to prec digits
%o i, digits_of_pi = -1, str(pi.n(prec+5))[1:-1]
%o while True:
%o for d in "0123456789":
%o i = digits_of_pi.find(d, i+1)
%o if i == -1: print("Increase precision"); return
%o if d == "9": yield i
%o print(list(islice(agen(), 45))) # _Michael S. Branicky_, Apr 10 2024
%Y Cf. A000796, A107407.
%K nonn,base
%O 1,1
%A _James S. DeArmon_, Mar 30 2024