Triangle read by rows: T(n, k) = denominator(M(n, k)) where M is the inverse matrix of A368846.

%I #18 Jan 14 2024 09:13:10

%S 1,1,6,1,1,30,1,1,60,140,1,1,45,105,630,1,1,20,140,252,2772,1,1,6,14,

%T 1260,693,12012,1,1,900,2100,945,5940,10296,51480,1,1,3,1,945,189,

%U 1287,6435,218790,1,1,100,700,420,660,12012,780,145860,923780

%N Triangle read by rows: T(n, k) = denominator(M(n, k)) where M is the inverse matrix of A368846.

%C The row sums of the triangle, seen in its rational form A368847(n)/ A368848(n), are the unsigned Bernoulli numbers |B(2n)|. To get the signed Bernoulli numbers B(2n), one only needs to change the sign factor in the definition of A368846 from (-1)^(n + k) to (-1)^(n + 1).

%H Paolo Xausa, <a href="/A368848/b368848.txt">Table of n, a(n) for n = 0..11475</a> (rows 0..150 of the triangle, flattened).

%H Thomas Curtright, <a href="https://doi.org/10.48550/arXiv.2401.00586">Scale Invariant Scattering and the Bernoulli Numbers</a>, arXiv:2401.00586 [math-ph], Jan 2024.

%e Triangle starts:

%e [0] [1]

%e [1] [1, 6]

%e [2] [1, 1, 30]

%e [3] [1, 1, 60, 140]

%e [4] [1, 1, 45, 105, 630]

%e [5] [1, 1, 20, 140, 252, 2772]

%e [6] [1, 1, 6, 14, 1260, 693, 12012]

%e [7] [1, 1, 900, 2100, 945, 5940, 10296, 51480]

%e [8] [1, 1, 3, 1, 945, 189, 1287, 6435, 218790]

%t A368846[n_,k_] := If[k==0, Boole[n==0], (-1)^(n+k) 2 Binomial[2k-1,n] Binomial[2n+1, 2k]];

%t Denominator[MapIndexed[Take[#,First[#2]]&, Inverse[PadRight[Table[ A368846[n, k], {n,0,10},{k,0,n}]]]]] (* _Paolo Xausa_, Jan 08 2024 *)

%o (SageMath)

%o M = matrix(ZZ, 10, 10, lambda n, k: A368846(n, k) if k <= n else 0)

%o I = M.inverse()

%o for n in range(9): print([I[n][k].denominator() for k in range(n+1)])

%Y Cf. A368846 (inverse), A368847 (numerator), A002457 (main diagonal), A369134, A369135, A000367/A002445 (Bernoulli(2n)).

%K nonn,tabl,frac

%O 0,3

%A _Peter Luschny_, Jan 07 2024