%I #11 Dec 22 2023 11:47:35
%S 1,5,12,13,17,25,29,36,37,41,48,49,53,61,66,68,76
%N Comma sequence, analogous to A121805, starting at 1, but the calculations are done in base 3.
%p # Comma Successor in Maple in base "bas", from _N. J. A. Sloane_, Dec 06 2023
%p bas := 3;
%p Ldigit:=proc(n) local v; v:=convert(n, base, bas); v[-1]; end; # Returns leading digit
%p # Return comma-successor to a or -1 if no successor exists
%p commsucc := proc(a) local f,i,d;
%p f := (a mod bas);
%p d:=bas*f;
%p for i from 1 to bas-1 do
%p d := d+1;
%p if Ldigit(a+d) = i then return(a+d); fi;
%p od:
%p return(-1);
%p end;
%p a:=[1]; s:=1; for n from 1 to 16 do s:=commsucc(s); a:=[op(a),s]; od: a;
%Y Cf. A121805, A367343, A367344, A367356.
%Y A367605 and A367605 give the length and last term for the analogous sequence in base b.
%K nonn,base,fini,full
%O 1,2
%A _N. J. A. Sloane_, Nov 18 2023