Denominators that appear in A291094 exactly twice.

%I #8 Nov 10 2023 20:23:01

%S 160,190,196,220,231,238,242,253,260,264,275,286,291,297,303,306,309,

%T 325,390,469,536,590,591,596,597,603,609,756,790,830,897,903,906,931,

%U 960,965,996,1014,1040,1060,1064,1100,1120,1160,1162,1169,1190,1191,1197

%N Denominators that appear in A291094 exactly twice.

%C See A291094 for a definition of anomalous cancellation.

%e 160 appears as the denominator in two unreduced fractions that can be reduced by anomalous cancellation: cancelling the 6s in the fractions 16/160 and 64/160 reduces them to 1/10 and 4/10, respectively.

%Y Cf. A291094, A367207.

%K nonn

%O 1,1

%A _Jon E. Schoenfield_, Nov 10 2023