The n-th term of the sequence is the last term of n's trajectory under the "multiply with zero" rules explained in A365993.
101, 3981053, 103, 1196913103, 4185108867, 2053, 107, 13093, 109, 50821, 1319023, 206, 1013, 2309, 1970359, 1160555267, 1435393103, 5147059, 1019, 24786109, 307, 1265393034541, 11093, 1104119, 505, 11409, 309, 44661214906829, 191077, 1210977611, 1031, 18107519, 1033, 33269991281067, 170767
It is conjectured that all trajectories will stop quite rapidly, mostly because the probability for 0 to appear in a divisor of a(n) increases with the size of a(n).
Eric Angelini, Multiply with zero, personal blog "Cinquante signes" Sept. 2023.
Eric Angelini, Multiply with zero, personal blog "Cinquante signes" Sept. 2023. [Cached copy]
Trajectories of n for n = 1 to 40.
A "stop" means that the next term will contain two or more zeros.
n = 1 --> 1, 101, stop
n = 2 --> 2, 102, 1706, 20853, 210993, 3981053, stop
n = 3 --> 3, 103, stop
n = 4 --> 4, 104, 1308, 20654, 230898, 2654087, 35907393, 1196913103, stop
n = 5 --> 5, 105, 1507, 110137, 2410457, 34435107, 371092817, 4185108867, stop
n = 6 --> 6, 106, 2053, stop
n = 7 --> 7, 107, stop
n = 8 --> 8, 108, 1209, 13093, stop
n = 9 --> 9, 109, stop
n = 10 --> 10, 205, 4105, 50821, stop
n = 11 --> 11, 1011, 30337, 1319023, stop
n = 12 --> 12, 206, stop
n = 13 --> 13, 1013, stop
n = 14 --> 14, 207, 2309, stop
n = 15 --> 15, 305, 5061, 70723, 1970359, stop
n = 16 --> 16, 208, 2608, 32608, 408152, 6260652, 64410972, 1160555267, stop
n = 17 --> 17, 1017, 11309, 263043, 2657099, 43061793, 1435393103, stop
n = 18 --> 18, 209, 11019, 303673, 5147059, stop
n = 19 --> 19, 1019, stop
n = 20 --> 20, 405, 4509, 167027, 2230749, 24786109, stop
n = 21 --> 21, 307, stop
n = 22 --> 22, 1022, 14073, 304691, 17017923, 305672641, 3469610881, 43707939613, 1265393034541, stop
n = 23 --> 23, 1023, 11093, stop
n = 24 --> 24, 308, 4077, 45309, 1104119, stop
n = 25 --> 25, 505, stop
n = 26 --> 26, 1026, 11409, stop
n = 27 --> 27, 309, stop
n = 28 --> 28, 407, 11037, 130849, 1707697, 17770961, 1301366997, 14459633309, 149743096563, 3049914365521, 44661214906829, stop
n = 29 --> 29, 1029, 14707, 191077, stop
n = 30 --> 30, 506, 11046, 140789, 11012799, 118290931, 1210977611, stop
n = 31 --> 31, 1031, stop
n = 32 --> 32, 408, 5108, 127704, 1360939, 18107519, stop
n = 33 --> 33, 1033, stop
n = 34 --> 34, 1034, 11094, 129086, 1590817, 21075277, 253919083, 15701617319, 199307878383, 2229089415827, 33269991281067, stop
n = 35 --> 35, 507, 13039, 170767, stop
n = 36 --> 36, 409, stop
n = 37 --> 37, 1037, 17061, 305687, stop
n = 38 --> 38, 1038, 17306, 208653, 3069551, stop
n = 39 --> 39, 1039, stop
n = 40 --> 40, 508, 12704, 158808, 1985108, 20992554, 306997518, 5116625306, 13032065196793281, stop
Min[Select[FromDigits@Flatten[IntegerDigits/@Riffle[#, 0]]&/@Table[{d[[k]], d[[Length@d-k+1]]}, {k, Length@d}], Count[IntegerDigits@#, 0]<2&]])&, n, IntegerQ], {n, 40}]
from sympy import divisors
def a(n):
k = n
while True:
s = set()
for d in divisors(k, generator=True):
v, w = str(d), str(k//d)
if "0" not in v and "0" not in w:
s.add(int(v + "0" + w))
if len(s) == 0: return k
k = min(s)
print([a(n) for n in range(1, 41)]) # Michael S. Branicky, Sep 26 2023
Sequence in context: A138120 A266609 A082521 * A262645 A138826 A292686