Numbers k with property that k can be represented by the digits present in k using the operations specified in the comment, and requiring fewer digits than the number of digits in k.

%I #30 Oct 14 2023 19:51:18

%S 1024,1253,1287,1296,1331,2048,2163,2187,2435,2500,2564,2568,2916,

%T 3025,3125,3216,3375,3437,3645,3729,4088,4096,4256,4375,4625,5129,

%U 5243,6250,6254,7128,7293,7343,7776,8256,9025,9216,9375,9512,10003,10004

%N Numbers k with property that k can be represented by the digits present in k using the operations specified in the comment, and requiring fewer digits than the number of digits in k.

%C The only operations allowed are addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, exponentiation, parenthesizing, and concatenation.

%H Walter Robinson, <a href="https://github.com/WalterRobinson/MathThings/blob/master/MPDRconcatenation">Python Program</a>

%e For k = 3125, k can be represented as 5^5, using only 2 digits, which is less than the length of k, 4.

%e For k = 3437, k can be represented as (7^3)||7, using only 3 digits which is less than the length of k, 4.

%e For k = 10003, k can be represented as ((1||0)^3)||3, using only 4 digits, which is less than the length of k, 5.

%o (Python) # See Robinson link.

%Y Cf. A043537, A362769.

%K nonn,base

%O 1,1

%A Valentin Miakinen, _Walter Robinson_, Sep 20 2023