Odd numbers k such that k is a multiple of A163511(k).

%I #19 Sep 02 2023 11:26:32

%S 3,16383,536870895,2147482623

%N Odd numbers k such that k is a multiple of A163511(k).

%C Sequence A243071(A364498(n)), for n > 1, sorted into ascending order, therefore terms 151115727451794287099901, 60708402882054033466233184588234965832575213720379360039119137804340758912662765515 (and many others that do not fit in this space) are also present.

%C Consider the sequence 1 + 5*2^k (with k>=1): 11, 21, 41, 81, 161, 321, etc, (A083575(n) from n>=1), and compare to the sequence A163511(1 + 5*2^k): 25, 75, 225, 675, 2025, 6075, etc (= 3^(k-1) * 25). Clearly, the first sequence does not contain any multiples of 5, while all the terms in the second one are multiples of 25, and thus of 5 also.

%C Then consider sequences 1 + 2*(1 + 11*2^k): 47, 91, 179, 355, 707, 1411, etc., and A163511(1 + 2*(1 + 11*2^k)): 121, 605, 3025, 15125, 75625, 378125, etc. The terms in the first one are never multiples of 11, while the terms of second one are all multiples of 121, thus of 11 also.

%C Consider also sequences 1 + (2^k)*(1+2*11): 47, 93, 185, 369, 737, 1473, 2945, 5889, 11777, 23553, 47105, 94209, 188417, 376833, 753665, 1507329, etc, and 1 + (2^k)*(1+4*11): 91, 181, 361, 721, 1441, 2881, 5761, 11521, 23041, 46081, 92161, 184321, 368641, 737281, 1474561, 2949121, etc. The only time their terms are multiples of 11 is when k = 5, 15, 25, ..., 5 + 10*j, j>= 0, while for sequences A163511(1 + (2^k)*(1+2*11)): 121, 363, 1089, 3267, 9801, 29403, etc, and A163511(1 + (2^k)*(1+4*11)): 605, 1815, 5445, 16335, 49005, 147015, etc, all the terms are multiples of 121, thus of 11 also.

%C There are numerous other such correspondences that forbid the occurrence of factor x in n, when n is a member of a certain subset of odd numbers, while on the other hand, force the same factor x to be present in A163511(n), thus making it impossible that n were a multiple of A163511(n) in those cases. However, this sequence shows that such subsets do not completely cover all odd numbers. Similar observation applies to Doudna sequence (see A364547).

%e Term [in binary] Factorization A163511(Term)

%e 3 [11] (prime) -> 3

%e 16383 [11111111111111] = 3*43*127 -> 43

%e 536870895 [11111111111111111111111101111] = 3*5*11*47*107*647 -> 1177 = 11*107

%e 2147482623 [1111111111111111111101111111111] = 3*11*13*31*113*1429 -> 3503 = 31*113

%Y Odd terms in A364496.

%Y Cf. A083575, A163511, A243071, A364498.

%Y Cf. also A364495, A364547.

%K nonn,hard,more

%O 1,1

%A _Antti Karttunen_, Sep 02 2023