Partial sum of the first n even semiprimes.

%I #28 Jun 16 2024 02:11:26

%S 4,10,20,34,56,82,116,154,200,258,320,394,476,562,656,762,880,1002,

%T 1136,1278,1424,1582,1748,1926,2120,2322,2528,2742,2960,3186,3440,

%U 3702,3976,4254,4552,4854,5168,5494,5828,6174

%N Partial sum of the first n even semiprimes.

%C The numbers 62234 and 199370 are in this sequence and also in A362420. - _Zak Seidov_ and _Robert Israel_, Apr 10 2023

%H Paolo Xausa, <a href="/A362419/b362419.txt">Table of n, a(n) for n = 1..10000</a>

%F a(n) = Sum_{i=1..n} A100484(i).

%F a(n) = 2*A007504(n).

%p A362419 := proc(n)

%p option remember ;

%p if n = 0 then

%p 0 ;

%p else

%p procname(n-1)+A100484(n) ;

%p end if;

%p end proc:

%p seq(A362419(n),n=1..40) ;

%t Accumulate[2*Prime[Range[50]]] (* _Paolo Xausa_, Mar 19 2024 *)

%Y Cf. A007504, A100484, A362420.

%K nonn,easy

%O 1,1

%A _R. J. Mathar_, Apr 19 2023