%I #10 Apr 25 2023 06:16:16
%S 1,1,480,200225,18527520,45589896150400
%N a(n) = the hypergraph Fuss-Catalan number FC_(2,3)(n).
%C Chavan et al. associate to each pair (r,m) of positive integers the sequence of hypergraph Fuss-Catalan numbers {FC_(r,m)(n) : n >= 0}. This is the case (r,m) = (2,3).
%C When m = 1, the sequence {FC_(r,1)(n) : n >= 0} is equivalent to the sequence of Fuss-Catalan numbers { (1/(r*n+1))*binomial((r+1)*n,n) : n >= 0}. Note that r = 1 corresponds to the Catalan numbers A000108. See A355262 for a table of Fuss-Catalan numbers.
%C When r = 1, the sequence {FC_(1,m)(n) : n >= 0} is equivalent to the sequence of hypergraph Catalan numbers {C_m(n) : n >= 0}. See A362167 - A362172 for the cases m = 2 through 7.
%H Parth Chavan, Andrew Lee and Karthik Seetharaman, <a href="https://arxiv.org/abs/2202.01111">Hypergraph Fuss-Catalan numbers</a>, arXiv:2202.01111 [math.CO], 2022.
%Y Cf. A000108, A355262, A362167, A362214, A362216, A362217.
%K nonn,walk,more
%O 0,3
%A _Peter Bala_, Apr 11 2023