%I #10 Dec 30 2022 16:11:44
%S 1,4,10,14,16,22,25,26,34,35,38,40,46,49,55,56,58,62,64,65,74,77,82,
%T 85,86,88,91,94,95,100,104,106,115,118,119,121,122,133,134,136,140,
%U 142,143,145,146,152,155,158,160,161,166,169,178,184,185,187,194,196,202,203,205,206,209,214,215,217,218
%N Nonmultiples of 3 that have an even number of prime factors (with multiplicity).
%F {k | A008836(k) > 0 and A010872(k) > 0}.
%t Select[Range[220], Mod[#, 3] != 0 && LiouvilleLambda[#] == 1 &] (* _Amiram Eldar_, Dec 30 2022 *)
%o (PARI) isA359171(n) = A359170(n);
%Y Intersection of A001651 and A028260.
%Y Setwise difference A001651 \ A359381.
%Y Positions of positive terms in A359378.
%Y Cf. A008836, A010872, A359170 (characteristic function).
%Y Cf. also A359371.
%K nonn
%O 1,2
%A _Antti Karttunen_, Dec 30 2022