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A357747 Distances in the lyrics of the Rolling Stones song "2000 Light Years From Home". 1
100, 600, 1000, 2000 (list; graph; refs; listen; history; text; internal format)
The song, written by Michael Phillip Jagger and Keith Richards, was first published as a single in the US in November 1967 (together with "She's a Rainbow") and then as track 9 of the album "Their Satanic Majesties Request" in the UK in December 1967.
The text of the song is as follows:
Sun turnin' 'round with graceful motion
We're setting off with soft explosion
Bound for a star with fiery oceans
It's so very lonely, you're _a hundred_ light years from home.
Freezing red deserts turn to dark
Energy here in every part
It's so very lonely, you're _six hundred_ light years from home.
It's so very lonely, you're _a thousand_ light years from home
It's so very lonely, you're a thousand light years from home.
Bell flight fourteen you now can land
Seen you on Aldebaran, safe on the green desert sand
It's so very lonely, you're _two thousand_ light years from home
It's so very lonely, you're two thousand light years from home.
The terms of this sequence are the distinct distances, measured in light years. There is another number, namely 14, in the text. All occurrences of numbers, including repetitions, are shown in A357748.
The Rolling Stones, 2000 Light Years From Home (Stereo / Remastered), YouTube video, 2018.
Cf. A357748.
Sequence in context: A250846 A172518 A357748 * A231759 A231046 A250707
Hugo Pfoertner, Oct 15 2022

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Last modified September 7 19:59 EDT 2024. Contains 375749 sequences. (Running on oeis4.)