%I #9 Jul 07 2022 05:03:16
%S 0,2,4,8,16,33,55,404,44,646,99,66,848,909,888,110,88,1090,132,176,
%T 1089,363,3443,10010,121,1881,242,1991,4323,3982,1595,726,3553,2992,
%U 3663,7447,484,1353,46064,6446,5665,10769,3993,2662,4103,2882,968,1111,1837,7667
%N a(n) is the smallest number k such that k occurs in the Reverse-and-Add trajectories of exactly n positive integers less than k.
%C a(n) is the smallest k such that A298972(k) = n.
%o (PARI) a298972(n) = my(i=0); for(k=1, n-1, my(x=k); while(x < n, x=x+eval(concat(Vecrev(Str(x))))); if(x==n, i++)); i
%o a(n) = for(k=0, oo, if(a298972(k)==n, return(k)))
%Y Cf. A298972, A355550.
%K nonn,base
%O 0,2
%A _Felix Fröhlich_, Jul 06 2022
%E More terms from _Jinyuan Wang_, Jul 07 2022