%I #33 Sep 06 2022 15:34:56
%S 2,14,68,203,476,1421,3293,7910,20060,39509,89324,206711,442907,
%T 803924,1722464,3198608,6820523,13434254,27901259,50222267
%N a(n) is the largest number of distinct integer-sided right triangles in which some n-digit number can appear as the length of a side.
%H Zhihu, <a href="https://www.zhihu.com/question/531237744">For integers from 1 to 100, which one can compose the most Pythagorean triangle?</a>
%e a(2)=14 because there exist 14 distinct integer-sided right triangles with the 2-digit number 60 as the length of a side, i.e., (11,60,61), (25,60,65), (32,60,68), (36,48,60), (45,60,75), (60,63,87), (60,80,100), (60,91,109), (60,144,156), 60,175,185), (60,221,229), (60,297,303), (60,448,452), and (60,899,901), and no 2-digit number is the length of a side of more than 14 distinct integer-sided right triangles.
%o (Python)
%o from sympy import factorint
%o def s(n):
%o f=factorint(n)
%o d, q=(list(f.keys()), list(f.values()))
%o (a, b, c, x)=(0, 1, 1, 0)
%o if(d[0]==2):
%o a, x=(0, 1)
%o if q[0]>1:
%o a=q[0]-1
%o for p in range(x, len(d)):
%o b*=(1+2*q[p])
%o if d[p]%4==1:
%o c*=(1+2*q[p])
%o return((b-1)//2+a*b+(c-1)//2)
%o def a(n):
%o max=0
%o for i in range(1+10**(n-1), 10**n):
%o if s(i)>max:
%o k,max=(i,s(i))
%o return(n,[k,max])
%o for i in range(1,6):
%o print (a(i))
%o # (thanks to _Zhao Hui Du_ for help in the derivation of this function)
%Y Cf. A046081, A269929, A353875.
%K nonn,more
%O 1,1
%A _Zhining Yang_, Jun 26 2022