Indices of local minima in A109812.

%I #20 Apr 26 2022 13:15:37

%S 1,2,4,6,9,16,20,26,28,30,39,41,44,51,54,76,80,85,104,109,112,162,165,

%T 175,179,197,240,294,308,323,418,423,434,481,490,500,510,536,547,632,

%U 634,647,650,699,767,782,805,883,891,914,952,996,1009,1226,1269,1271,1314,1316,1322,1325,1477,1483,1892,1901,2419,2588,2685,2803,2936,2988,3555,3570,3833

%N Indices of local minima in A109812.

%C These are the indices (in A109812) of numbers that are the slowest to appear in A109812.

%C Records in A113233.

%H David Broadhurst, <a href="/A352359/b352359.txt">Table of n, a(n) for n = 1..221</a>

%H David Broadhurst, <a href="/A352359/a352359.txt">Table of n, A352336(n), A352359(n) for n = 1..221</a>

%t c[_] = 0; a[1] = c[1] = 1; u = 2; {1}~Join~Reap[Do[k = u; While[Nand[c[k] == 0, BitAnd[a[i - 1], k] == 0], k++]; If[a[i - 1] == u, Sow[i - 1]; While[c[u] > 0, u++]]; Set[{a[i], c[k]}, {k, i}], {i, 2, 1300}]][[-1, -1]]

%Y Cf. A109812, A113233, A352204, A352336.

%K nonn,base

%O 1,2

%A _Michael De Vlieger_, Mar 29 2022

%E Edited by _N. J. A. Sloane_, Apr 26 2022