Irregular triangle read by rows: The n-th row lists the smaller number in each "n-th power friendship", that is, numbers k such that digsum(digsum(k^n)^n) = k and digsum(k^n) > k.

%I #23 Jan 22 2022 19:27:10

%S 13,19,18,23,31,38,44,46,56,64,35,109,52,112,118,127,97,108,144,88,

%T 144,139,152,153,154,173,178,189,172,199,203,187,234,127,188,148,238,

%U 115,229,238,239,245,234,244,245,283,252,283,161,271,288,163,259,295,316

%N Irregular triangle read by rows: The n-th row lists the smaller number in each "n-th power friendship", that is, numbers k such that digsum(digsum(k^n)^n) = k and digsum(k^n) > k.

%e Triangle begins:

%e 13;

%e 19;

%e 18;

%e 23, 31;

%e ;

%e 38, 44, 46, 56;

%e 64;

%e 35;

%e ;

%e ;

%e 109;

%e 52, 112, 118, 127;

%e 97, 108;

%e 144;

%e 88, 144;

%e ...

%Y Cf. A007953, A350300, A350302.

%K nonn,base,tabf

%O 2,1

%A _Daniel Carter_, Dec 23 2021