a(n) = A001414(A277272(n)).

%I #8 Dec 18 2021 23:33:44

%S 2,4,6,3,6,9,9,9,15,5,5,10,8,8,8,10,10,10,14,7,7,7,21,9,12,10,16,12,

%T 15,25,20,14,12,16,22,11,11,11,11,11,11,33,12,12,18,16,26,13,13,13,13,

%U 39,21,14,12,18,18,12,14,22,32,20,45,27,24,34,17,17,17,17

%N a(n) = A001414(A277272(n)).

%C Although terms k in A277272 are distinct, terms m in this sequence may appear A000607(m) times, even consecutively.

%C The restriction of the number of appearances of m to A000607(m) is a consequence of distinct k such that A001414(k) = m. Distinct k for which A001414(k) = m relates to the number of prime partitions of m and are listed in row m of A064364. For example, k in {7, 10, 12} have A001414(k) = 7. Once these k have appeared in A277272, there is no other way to obtain m = 7 in this sequence. Hence m = 7 is exhausted in this sequence.

%C Terms are greater than 1.

%H Michael De Vlieger, <a href="/A349543/b349543.txt">Table of n, a(n) for n = 1..10001</a>

%H Michael De Vlieger, <a href="/A349543/a349543.png">Log log scatterplot of a(n)</a> for n=1..2^17, accentuating n <= 2^10 with small points, and n <= 32 with medium points for better visibility.

%t m = 2, n = 1, s[_] = c[_] = 0; s[2] = 2; c[2]++; {2}~Join~Reap[Do[k = 3; While[Nand[GCD[If[s[k] == 0, Set[s[k], Total@ Flatten[ConstantArray[#1, #2] & @@@ FactorInteger[k]]], s[k]], s[m]] > 1, c[k] == 0], k++]; Set[n, k]; Sow[s[k]]; c[n]++; m = n, 70]][[-1, -1]]

%Y Cf. A000607, A001414, A064364, A277272.

%K nonn

%O 1,1

%A _Michael De Vlieger_, Nov 21 2021