Positive integers that are equal both to the product of two integers ending with 4 and to that of two integers ending with 6.

%I #13 Oct 15 2021 18:54:34

%S 96,216,256,336,416,456,576,696,736,756,816,896,936,1056,1176,1216,

%T 1296,1376,1416,1456,1536,1596,1656,1696,1776,1836,1856,1896,1976,

%U 2016,2136,2176,2256,2336,2376,2436,2496,2576,2616,2656,2736,2816,2856,2916,2976,3016

%N Positive integers that are equal both to the product of two integers ending with 4 and to that of two integers ending with 6.

%C Intersection of A324297 and A347253.

%F Lim_{n->infinity} a(n)/a(n-1) = 1.

%e 96 = 4*24 = 6*16, 216 = 4*54 = 6*36, 256 = 4*64 = 16*16, 336 = 4*84 = 6*56, ...

%t max=3050;Select[Intersection[Union@Flatten@Table[a*b, {a, 4, Floor[max/4], 10}, {b, a, Floor[max/a], 10}],Union@Flatten@Table[a*b, {a, 6, Floor[max/6], 10}, {b, a, Floor[max/a], 10}]], 0<#<max&]

%o (Python)

%o def aupto(lim): return sorted(set(a*b for a in range(4, lim//4+1, 10) for b in range(a, lim//a+1, 10)) & set(a*b for a in range(6, lim//6+1, 10) for b in range(a, lim//a+1, 10)))

%o print(aupto(3017)) # _Michael S. Branicky_, Sep 12 2021

%Y Cf. A017341 (supersequence), A324297, A347253, A347748.

%K nonn,base

%O 1,1

%A _Stefano Spezia_, Sep 12 2021