%I #12 May 14 2021 02:57:09
%S 1,2,6,12,44,44,92,184,1208,1336,5304,5304,10680,10680,21368,42736,
%T 567024,673520,5383920,5383920,21535472,172283632,172283632,172283632,
%U 344774384,344774384,344774384,344774384,689559280,689559280,1379118576,2758237152,71477713888
%N Lexicographically earliest sequence of positive integers such that for any n > 0, the binary expansion of a(n) contains the binary expansion of k for k = 1..n and the binary expansion of a(n+1) is obtained by replacing a possibly empty substring of the binary expansion of a(n) by the binary expansion of n+1.
%C This sequence is a variant of A056744, easier to compute.
%C This sequence is not weakly increasing; a(109) < a(108).
%H Rémy Sigrist, <a href="/A344184/b344184.txt">Table of n, a(n) for n = 1..1024</a>
%H Rémy Sigrist, <a href="/A344184/a344184.png">Binary plot of the first 1024 terms</a>
%H Rémy Sigrist, <a href="/A344184/a344184.gp.txt">PARI program for A344184</a>
%F A144016(a(n)) >= n.
%e The first terms, alongside their binary expansion, are:
%e n a(n) bin(n) bin(a(n))
%e -- ----- ------ ---------------
%e 1 1 1 1
%e 2 2 10 10
%e 3 6 11 110
%e 4 12 100 1100
%e 5 44 101 101100
%e 6 44 110 101100
%e 7 92 111 1011100
%e 8 184 1000 10111000
%e 9 1208 1001 10010111000
%e 10 1336 1010 10100111000
%e 11 5304 1011 1010010111000
%e 12 5304 1100 1010010111000
%e 13 10680 1101 10100110111000
%e 14 10680 1110 10100110111000
%e 15 21368 1111 101001101111000
%o (PARI) See Links section.
%Y Cf. A056744, A144016, A344183.
%K nonn,base
%O 1,2
%A _Rémy Sigrist_, May 11 2021