Deficient numbers k > 1 such that k*p is abundant for all primes p dividing k.
315, 884, 1155, 26325, 27027, 40365, 44650, 55335, 63248, 70564, 72675, 85936, 100804, 106425, 116624, 130815, 145222, 224750, 244036, 318250, 321470, 421515, 489645, 526688, 531310, 569625, 629145, 702405, 730125, 820808, 829521, 852776, 885928, 933224, 969969
These numbers are quite close to being abundant.
Note that if k is a perfect number, then k*m is abundant for all m > 1. For deficient k we cannot expect this to happen since k*p must be deficient for all primes p that are large enough. However, it seems that the smallest p making k*p deficient is big compared with k. For example, the smallest prime p such that 315*p is deficient is p = 107, and the smallest prime p such that 884*p is deficient is p = 443.
It's actually possible that a multiple of a term (other than the term itself) is again in this sequence. However, it seems that this rarely happens. For example, both 1329548 and 1329548 * 16619 are terms.
Amiram Eldar, Table of n, a(n) for n = 1..1000 (terms 1..303 from Jianing Song)
The sum of divisors of 315 = 3^2 * 5 * 7 is 624 < 315 * 2, so 315 is deficient; however, all of 315 * 3, 315 * 5 and 315 * 7 are abundant, thus 315 is a term.
f[p_, e_] := (p^(e + 1) - 1)/(p - 1); ff[p_, e_] := (p^(e + 2) - 1)/(p^(e + 2) - p); q[n_] := Module[{fct = FactorInteger[n], s}, s = (Times @@ f @@@ fct)/n; s < 2 && AllTrue[ff @@@ fct, # > 2/s &]]; Select[Range[2, 10^5], q] (* Amiram Eldar, Mar 14 2024 *)
(PARI) isA341358(n) = if(sigma(n) < 2*n && n > 1, my(d=factor(n), k=omega(n)); for(i=1, k, if(!isA005101(n*d[i, 1]), return(0))); return(1), 0) \\ see A005101 for its program
(PARI) is(n) = {my(f = factor(n), p = f[, 1], e = f[, 2], s = 2/sigma(f, -1)); if(n == 1 || s <= 1, return(0)); for(i = 1, #p, if((p[i]^(e[i]+2) - 1)/(p[i]^(e[i]+2) - p[i]) < s, return(0))); 1; } \\ Amiram Eldar, Mar 14 2024
Cf. A005101 (abundant numbers), A005100 (deficient numbers).
Sequence in context: A114807 A109130 A284981 * A087415 A184477 A184469
Jianing Song, Feb 09 2021