%I #15 Aug 27 2023 04:21:10
%S 18,40,48,70,72,100,105,108,112,120,154,160,162,168,192,208,216,270,
%T 273,280,288,294,297,300,324,340,352,360,364,384,385,400,418,432
%N Allowable values for the total number of times we can have ab=ba in the Cayley table of a finite non-abelian group.
%H B. Dolan, D. MacHale and P. MacHale, <a href="https://www.maths.tcd.ie/pub/ims/bull77/MacHale.pdf">Counting Commutativities in Finite Algebraic Systems</a>, Irish Math. Soc. Bulletin, Number 77, Summer 2016, 61-70.
%Y Cf. A341295.
%K nonn,more
%O 1,1
%A _Des MacHale_, Feb 05 2021