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Distance from the largest prime with less than 10^n decimal digits to 10^(10^n-1).

%I #5 Jan 26 2021 08:05:22

%S 63,621,6101,11333,59511,172473

%N Distance from the largest prime with less than 10^n decimal digits to 10^(10^n-1).

%C The prime number related to a(n) is the prime immediately preceding the prime related to A096548(n).

%C a(5) and a(6) appear to have been first found by Patrick De Geest.

%H factordb.com, <a href="http://factordb.com/index.php?id=1100000000212915894">10^999 - 6101</a>, contains primality certificate related to a(3).

%H factordb.com, <a href="http://factordb.com/index.php?id=1100000000605958068">10^9999 - 11333</a>, contains primality certificate related to a(4).

%H Henri Lifchitz, Renaud Lifchitz, <a href="http://www.primenumbers.net/prptop/searchform.php?form=10%5E99999-59511">10^99999 - 59511</a>, related to a(5).

%H Henri Lifchitz, Renaud Lifchitz, <a href="http://www.primenumbers.net/prptop/searchform.php?form=10%5E999999-172473">10^999999 - 172473</a>, related to a(6).

%H Wikipedia, <a href="https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Titanische_Primzahl">Titanische Primzahl</a>, in German.

%F a(n) = 10^(10^n-1) - precprime(10^(10^n-1)) = A064722(10^A002283(n)).

%e a(4) = 11333 because 10^9999 - 11333 is the largest prime not exceeding 10^9999.

%e a(5) = 59511 because 10^99999 - 59511 is the largest prime not exceeding 10^99999.

%Y Cf. A033874, A096548.

%K nonn,base,more,hard

%O 1,1

%A _Jeppe Stig Nielsen_, Jan 26 2021