Numbers that are the sum of a fourth power s and a square t such that 0 < s <= t.

%I #6 Feb 01 2021 12:40:36

%S 2,5,10,17,26,32,37,41,50,52,65,80,82,97,101,116,122,137,145,160,162,

%T 170,181,185,197,202,212,225,226,241,250,257,272,277,290,305,306,325,

%U 337,340,362,370,377,401,405,416,442,457,481,485,500,512,522,530,545,565,577,580

%N Numbers that are the sum of a fourth power s and a square t such that 0 < s <= t.

%e 10 is in the sequence since 1^4 + 3^2 = 1 + 9 = 10, where 0 < 1 <= 9.

%t Table[If[Sum[(Floor[i^(1/4)] - Floor[(i - 1)^(1/4)]) (Floor[(n - i)^(1/2)] - Floor[(n - i - 1)^(1/2)]), {i, Floor[n/2]}] > 0, n, {}], {n, 1000}] // Flatten

%Y Cf. A010052.

%K nonn

%O 1,1

%A _Wesley Ivan Hurt_, Dec 26 2020