Erroneous version of A113653.

%I #6 Feb 16 2025 08:34:00

%S 6,51,55,69,82,183,194,249,259,287,309,314,319

%N Erroneous version of A113653.

%C This is the erroneous version of A113653 that was submitted to the OEIS by _Jonathan Vos Post_ on Jan 16 2006. Because 44 was omitted from the spiral, not only are the terms here incorrect, but a large number of other sequences will also need to be corrected. For this reason the whole of the original submission has been preserved here with a different A-number. - _N. J. A. Sloane_, Jun 27 2020

%C Isolated semiprimes in the hexagonal spiral, embedded in the triangular lattice, are the analogy to A113688 "Isolated semiprimes in the [square] spiral," as well as analogous in another way to the hexagonal prime spiral of [Abbott 2005; Weisstein, "Prime Spiral", MathWorld]. A113519 Semiprimes in first spoke of a hexagonal spiral (A056105). A113524 Semiprimes in second spoke of a hexagonal spiral (A056106). A113525 Semiprimes in third spoke of a hexagonal spiral (A056107). A113527 Semiprimes in fourth spoke of a hexagonal spiral (A056108). A113528 Semiprimes in fifth spoke of a hexagonal spiral (A056109). A113530 Semiprimes in sixth spoke of a hexagonal spiral (A003215). This is embedded in the hexagonal spiral of A003215 and A001399, which is centered on zero; of course such a spiral can be constructed beginning with any integer. Centering on zero gives the interesting partition and multigraph equalities of A001399.

%D Abbott, P. (Ed.). "Mathematica One-Liners: Spiral on an Integer Lattice." Mathematica J. 1, 39, 1990.

%H P. Abbott, <a href="http://forums.wolfram.com/mathgroup/archive/2005/May/msg00336.html">Re: Hexagonal Spiral</a>, <a href="http://groups-beta.google.com/group/comp.soft-sys.math.mathematica">(alt link)</a>, May 11, 2005

%H H. Bottomley, <a href="/A003215/a003215.gif">Spokes of a Hexagonal Spiral.</a>

%H Eric Weisstein's World of Mathematics, <a href="https://mathworld.wolfram.com/PrimeSpiral.html">Prime Spiral.</a>

%F {a(n)} = {integers in A001358 which are not adjacent in any of six directions to any other integers in A001358 when arranged as the hexagonal spiral of A003215}.

%e Copy this as proportionally spaced text, make semiprimes bold, draw boundaries around clumps of adjacent semiprimes. For example, there is a triangular clump of three semiprimes: {4, 14, 15}; a linear clump of three semiprimes {49, 77, 111}; a linear clump of two semiprimes {247, 305}; an irregular clump of seven {115, 155, 201, 202, 203, 253, 254}; a clump of eighteen whose least element is 33 and greatest is 206; and a long branching clump of sixteen whose least element is 9 and greatest is 129.

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%Y Cf. A001358, A001399, A003215, A056105-A056109, A113688, A113519, A113524, A113525, A113528, A113527, A113530, A113688.

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