%I #27 Jun 02 2020 04:50:38
%S 127,131,149,163,191,347,383,457,463,479,521,569,571,613,643,653,659,
%T 739,757,797,941,40471,49991,79627,81869,83407,5916623
%N Full autoinsertable of reversed multidigit primes are such primes that remain prime after all the possible internal autoinsertions of the reversed prime, one at a time.
%C If the prime has K digits all the possible internal autoinsertions are K-1.
%C Supposed to have only a finite quantity of terms.
%C If it exists, the next term a(28) is > 2^32.
%e Example: 127 generates 2 primes 1'721'27 and 12'721'7
%e Example: 5916623 generates 6 primes: 5'3266195'916623, 59'3266195'16623, 591'3266195'6623, 5916'3266195'623, 59166'3266195'23, 591662'3266195'3
%o (PARI) forprime(p=11, 10^8, my(v=digits(p), d=#v, f=1); for(i=1, d-1, my(t=concat(concat(v[1..i], Vecrev(v)), v[i+1..d]), q=fromdigits(t)); if(!isprime(q), f=0; break)); if(f, print1(p, ", "))) \\ _Hugo Pfoertner_, Jun 01 2020
%Y Cf. A335271.
%K nonn,base,more
%O 1,1
%A _Carlos Rivera_, Jun 01 2020