Partial sums of non-Lucas numbers A057854.

%I #25 May 22 2020 09:45:59

%S 5,11,19,28,38,50,63,77,92,108,125,144,164,185,207,230,254,279,305,

%T 332,360,390,421,453,486,520,555,591,628,666,705,745,786,828,871,915,

%U 960,1006,1054,1103,1153,1204,1256,1309,1363,1418,1474,1531,1589,1648,1708,1769

%N Partial sums of non-Lucas numbers A057854.

%H Daniel Hoyt, <a href="/A333675/b333675.txt">Table of n, a(n) for n = 1..10000</a>

%t a[n_] := With[{phi = (1 + Sqrt[5])/2}, Floor[1/2 - LambertW[-1, -Log[phi]/phi^(n + 1/2)]/Log[phi]]];

%t Accumulate[Table[a[n], {n, 1, 60}]]

%o (Python)

%o N = 60

%o notlucas = []

%o lucas = [2, 1]

%o for x in range(N):

%o a = lucas[x] + lucas[x+1]

%o lucas.append(a)

%o notlucas = [x for x in range(1, len(lucas)) if x not in lucas]

%o A333675 = []

%o for y in range(len(notlucas)):

%o a = sum(notlucas[:y]) + notlucas[y]

%o A333675.append(a)

%o print(', '.join(str(x) for x in A333675))

%Y Cf. A138105, A057854, A000032.

%K easy,nonn,hear

%O 1,1

%A _Daniel Hoyt_, Apr 01 2020