%I #12 Jul 03 2021 05:45:10
%S 334,412,415,646,763,764,851,854,987,1097,1110,1172,1224,1591,1756,
%T 1782,1915,2025,2144,2156,2203,2205,2279,2381,2907,3273,3362,3813,
%U 3865,3973,4140,4174,4256,4289,4307,4507,4672,4986,5224,5230,5265,5311,5313,5345
%N Position of the start of a 5-digit sequence in the decimal digits of Pi such that the first, third, and fifth terms of that 5-digit sequence are the same.
%e The five decimal digits of Pi starting at the 412th digit are {5,7,5,9,5}. Because the first, third, and fifth of those five digits are the same, 412 is a term of the sequence.
%t With[{pid=RealDigits[Pi,10,10000][[1]]},SequencePosition[pid,{x_,_,x_,_,x_}]][[All,1]] (* Requires Mathematica version 10 or later *)
%Y Cf. A000796.
%K nonn,base
%O 1,1
%A _Harvey P. Dale_, Jan 16 2020