Squared numerator of y-coordinate of 3rd point of n-th triangle with integer sides in a sorted list corresponding to A331247. The y-coordinate is given by sqrt(a(n))/A331248(n).

%I #6 Jan 26 2020 07:35:52

%S 3,15,35,3,63,63,99,8,135,143,195,231,15,27,255,275,80,323,351,24,399,

%T 455,483,495,55,35,575,16,663,675,75,735,48,12,783,91,855,224,899,935,

%U 975,63,63,1023,1071,1071,1155,135,1235,80,320,1295,1311,21,1443,1463

%N Squared numerator of y-coordinate of 3rd point of n-th triangle with integer sides in a sorted list corresponding to A331247. The y-coordinate is given by sqrt(a(n))/A331248(n).

%e a(1) = 3 because the 3rd point of the smallest triangle with integer sides (1,1,1) is at (x,y)=(1/2,sqrt(3)/2), A331247(1)=1, A331248(1)=2.

%e See A331247 for an extended list.

%Y Cf. A331247, A331248, A331251, A331252, A331253, A331695, A331696, A331697.

%K nonn

%O 1,1

%A _Hugo Pfoertner_, Jan 23 2020