%I #14 Nov 12 2019 09:25:58
%S 0,1,2,1,3,1,1,1,4,2,1,2,1,1,1,5,3,1,2,1,1,1,1,6,4,1,3,1,3,2,2,2,1,2,
%T 1,1,1,1,1,1,7,5,1,4,1,3,2,3,1,2,1,1,2,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,8,6,1,5,1,4,2,4,
%U 1,4,3,2,3,1,1,3,1,2,2,2,1,1,2,1,2,1,1,1,1,1,1
%N Types of signatures of partitions of n (ordered firstly by decreasing greatest parts, then by decreasing sum of parts, then by increasing number of parts). Irregular triangle read by rows, length of row n is A088887(n).
%e The first rows are, writing abc for [a, b, c]:
%e 0: 0
%e 1: 1
%e 2: 2, 1
%e 3: 3, 11, 1
%e 4: 4, 21, 2, 11, 1
%e 5: 5, 31, 21, 11, 1
%e 6: 6, 41, 31, 3, 22, 21, 2, 111, 11, 1
%e 7: 7, 51, 41, 32, 31, 211, 21, 111, 11, 1
%e 8: 8, 61, 51, 42, 41, 4, 32, 311, 31, 22, 211, 21, 2, 111, 11, 1
%Y Cf. A088887.
%K nonn,tabf
%O 0,3
%A _Peter Luschny_, Nov 12 2019