Number of cycles in the perfect shuffle permutation mapping (1,2,...,2n) to (1,n+1,2,n+2,...,n,2n).

%I #7 Sep 16 2019 12:57:35

%S 2,3,3,4,4,3,3,6,4,3,7,4,4,5,3,8,6,7,3,6,4,5,9,4,6,9,3,6,6,3,3,14,8,3,

%T 7,4,10,9,7,4,6,3,13,6,10,11,15,6,4,9,3,4,16,3,5,6,6,7,13,10,4,9,5,20,

%U 12,3,11,12,4,3,7,6,8,11,3,12,14,15,5,6,10

%N Number of cycles in the perfect shuffle permutation mapping (1,2,...,2n) to (1,n+1,2,n+2,...,n,2n).

%C The sequence that gives the order of the permutation is A002326.

%F Conjecture: a(n) = A006694(n-1) + 2 = A081844(n-1) + 1. - _N. J. A. Sloane_, Sep 16 2019

%e For n=4 the permutation is 15263748, which has cycle structure (1)(253)(467)(8).

%Y Cf. A002326, A006694, A081844.

%K nonn

%O 1,1

%A _Jeffrey Shallit_, Sep 16 2019