Decimal expansion of the probability that the length of a chord drawn through 2 points taken at random within a circle will be less than the radius.

%I #8 Mar 15 2019 23:03:17

%S 1,1,7,2,4,8,1,1,0,0,3,9,5,4,6,3,7,7,8,5,0,5,9,5,4,2,6,5,0,7,6,7,8,2,

%T 5,8,5,1,5,2,4,5,5,3,1,1,9,4,5,9,6,1,9,2,0,0,3,6,9,8,2,1,4,9,6,8,9,8,

%U 9,8,9,6,4,2,9,2,5,9,5,3,0,0,9,7,7,8,3

%N Decimal expansion of the probability that the length of a chord drawn through 2 points taken at random within a circle will be less than the radius.

%H W. J. Miller, <a href="https://archive.org/stream/mathematicalque02unkngoog#page/n142/mode/2up">Problem 1818</a>, solved by J. J. Sylvester, Mathematical Questions with Their Solutions: From the "Educational Times", Vol. 5 (1868), pp. 20-21.

%F Equals 1/3 - 7*sqrt(3)/(12*Pi).

%e 0.0117248110039546377850595426507678258515245531194596...

%t RealDigits[1/3-7*Sqrt[3]/(12*Pi),10,100][[1]]

%Y Cf. A102519, A240935, A324559.

%K nonn,cons

%O -1,3

%A _Amiram Eldar_, Mar 06 2019