Maximal value which A324543 attains among the divisors of n.

%I #8 Mar 07 2019 23:29:14

%S 0,1,3,3,7,3,15,4,9,7,31,3,63,15,8,16,127,9,255,7,21,31,511,8,21,63,

%T 12,27,1023,8,2047,16,31,127,20,20,4095,255,78,32,8191,21,16383,31,9,

%U 511,32767,16,45,21,127,63,65535,12,53,27,270,1023,131071,8,262143,2047,21,72,63,31,524287,127,511,20,1048575,20,2097151,4095,21

%N Maximal value which A324543 attains among the divisors of n.

%H Antti Karttunen, <a href="/A324548/b324548.txt">Table of n, a(n) for n = 1..4473</a>

%F a(n) = Max_{d|n} A324543(d).

%F a(A000040(n)) = A000225(n).

%F a(A001248(n)) = A068156(n) = 3*(2^n - 1).

%e Divisors of 161051 are [1, 11, 121, 1331, 14641, 161051]. Applying A324543 to these gives the values [0, 31, 93, 124, 496, 248]. Of these 496 is the largest, thus a(161051) = 496.

%o (PARI) A324548(n) = vecmax(apply(A324543,divisors(n))); \\ Needs also code from A324543.

%Y Cf. A324543.

%K nonn

%O 1,3

%A _Antti Karttunen_, Mar 07 2019