Seven-column table read by rows: Septuples that have the same value of phi, sigma, and tau.

%I #6 Feb 16 2019 06:48:56

%S 98422632,98724000,99373500,100693920,101356380,111298770,114002850,

%T 306564000,312681120,314675820,335624850,345611970,353938650,

%U 354008850,378502560,387919200,390471300,399564396,402010740,428530050,428773950,620451360,650334048,650695584,654615840,654976476,661275384,691042044

%N Seven-column table read by rows: Septuples that have the same value of phi, sigma, and tau.

%C The terms are consecutive septuples, ordered so that (A) a(7i-6) < a(7i-5) < ... < a(7i) for i > 0, and (B) a(7i+1) < a(7i+8) for i >= 0. Primitive solutions are in A322693.

%e 98422632, 98724000, 99373500, 100693920, 101356380, 111298770, and 114002850 have the same value of phi (24883200), sigma (341228160), and tau (192), so these seven numbers are in the sequence.

%Y Cf. A134922, A322692, A322679, A322680, A322681, A322682, A322684, A322685, A322686, A322687.

%K nonn,tabf

%O 1,1

%A _Jud McCranie_, Jan 16 2019