Number of decimal strings of length n that contain a specific string xx (where x is a single digit).

%I #12 Dec 21 2018 22:06:53

%S 0,1,19,280,3691,45739,544870,6315481,71743159,802527760,8868438271,

%T 97038694279,1053164192950,11351825985061,121644911602099,

%U 1296970638284440,13767539948978851,145580595285369619,1534133217109136230,16117424311550552641

%N Number of decimal strings of length n that contain a specific string xx (where x is a single digit).

%C See A322054 for the number that do not contain the specified string.

%F G.f. = x^2/((1-10*x)*(1-9*x-9*x^2)).

%e Suppose the desired string is 00. At length 2 that is the only possibility. At length 3 there are 19 strings that contain it: 000, 00d, and d00, where d is any nonzero digit.

%Y Cf. A322052, A004189, A322054.

%Y Suggested by A322628.

%K nonn,base

%O 1,3

%A _N. J. A. Sloane_, Dec 21 2018