Square array read by antidiagonals in which T(n,k) is the n-th even number j with the property that the symmetric representation of sigma(j) has k parts.

%I #35 Nov 03 2021 22:21:44

%S 2,4,10,6,14,50,8,22,70,230,12,26,98,250,1150,16,34,110,290,1250,5050,

%T 18,38,130,310,1450,5150,22310,20,44,154,370,1550,5290,23230,106030,

%U 24,46,170,406,1850,5350,23690,106490,510050,28,52,182,410,2030,5450,24610,107410,513130,2065450

%N Square array read by antidiagonals in which T(n,k) is the n-th even number j with the property that the symmetric representation of sigma(j) has k parts.

%C This is a permutation of the positive even numbers (A299174).

%C The union of all odd-indexed columns gives A319796, the even numbers in A071562.

%C The union of all even-indexed columns gives A319802, the even numbers in A071561.

%e From _Hartmut F. W. Hoft_, Oct 06 2021: (Start)

%e The 10x10 section of table T(n,k):

%e (Table with first 20 terms from _Omar E. Pol_)

%e ------------------------------------------------------------------

%e n\k | 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ...

%e ------------------------------------------------------------------

%e 1 | 2 10 50 230 1150 5050 22310 106030 510050 2065450

%e 2 | 4 14 70 250 1250 5150 23230 106490 513130 2115950

%e 3 | 6 22 98 290 1450 5290 23690 107410 520150 2126050

%e 4 | 8 26 110 310 1550 5350 24610 110170 530150 2157850

%e 5 | 12 34 130 370 1850 5450 25070 112010 530450 2164070

%e 6 | 16 38 154 406 2030 5650 25250 112930 532450 2168150

%e 7 | 18 44 170 410 2050 5750 25750 114770 534290 2176550

%e 8 | 20 46 182 430 2150 6250 25990 115690 537050 2186650

%e 9 | 24 52 190 434 2170 6350 26450 116150 540350 2216950

%e 10| 28 58 238 470 2350 6550 26750 117070 544870 2219650

%e ... (End)

%t (* function a341969 is defined in A341969 *)

%t sArray[b_, pMax_] := Module[{list=Table[{}, pMax], i, p}, For[i=2, i<=b, i+=2, p=Length[Select[SplitBy[a341969[i], #!=0&], #[[1]]!=0&]]; If[p<=pMax&&Length[list[[p]]]<pMax, AppendTo[list[[p]], i]]]; list]

%t rank[n_] := n-row[n-1](row[n-1]+1)/2

%t parts[n_] := row[n-1]-rank[n]+2

%t a320537[sMatrix_, aD_] := Map[sMatrix[[rank[#], parts[#]]]&, Range[aD (aD+1)/2]]/; MatrixQ[sMatrix]&&aD<=Length[sMatrix]

%t m2500000=sArray[2500000, 10] (* entire 10x10 matrix needs to be computed *)

%t a320537[m2500000, 10] (* Sequence Data a(1..55) *)

%t (* _Hartmut F. W. Hoft_, Oct 06 2021 *)

%Y Row 1 is A320521.

%Y Column 1 gives A174973 = A238443, without the 1.

%Y Column 2 gives A244894.

%Y Cf. A000203, A071561, A071562, A236104, A237270, A237271, A237593, A238443, A239663, A239665, A239929, A240062, A245092, A262626, A299174, A319796, A319802, A341969, A341970, A341971, A346969, A348171.

%K nonn,tabl

%O 1,1

%A _Omar E. Pol_, Oct 15 2018

%E Terms a(21) and beyond from _Hartmut F. W. Hoft_, Oct 06 2021