Number of intersecting multiset partitions of strongly normal multisets of size n.

%I #6 Sep 28 2018 15:24:45

%S 1,1,3,6,17,40,122,330,1032

%N Number of intersecting multiset partitions of strongly normal multisets of size n.

%C A multiset is normal if it spans an initial interval of positive integers, and strongly normal if in addition its multiplicities are weakly decreasing. A multiset partition is intersecting iff no two parts are disjoint.

%e The a(1) = 1 through a(3) = 6 multiset partitions:

%e 1: {{1}}

%e 2: {{1,1}}

%e {{1,2}}

%e {{1},{1}}

%e 3: {{1,1,1}}

%e {{1,1,2}}

%e {{1,2,3}}

%e {{1},{1,1}}

%e {{1},{1,2}}

%e {{1},{1},{1}}

%Y Cf. A007716, A283877, A305854, A306006, A316980, A317755.

%Y Cf. A319755, A319759, A319760, A319765, A319779, A319787, A319782, A319784, A319787.

%K nonn,more

%O 0,3

%A _Gus Wiseman_, Sep 27 2018