Number of inequivalent leaf-colorings of transitive rooted trees with n nodes.

%I #6 Aug 23 2018 09:05:06

%S 1,1,2,5,13,34,92,255

%N Number of inequivalent leaf-colorings of transitive rooted trees with n nodes.

%C In a transitive rooted tree, every branch of a branch of the root is also a branch of the root.

%e Inequivalent representatives of the a(5) = 13 leaf-colorings:

%e (1111) (1(11)) (11(1))

%e (1112) (1(12)) (11(2))

%e (1122) (1(22)) (12(1))

%e (1123) (1(23)) (12(3))

%e (1234)

%Y Cf. A000081, A001190, A001678, A003238, A004111, A279861, A290689, A290822, A318185, A304486.

%Y Cf. A318226, A318227, A318228, A318230, A318231, A318234.

%K nonn,more

%O 1,3

%A _Gus Wiseman_, Aug 21 2018