Coordination sequence Gal.6.573.2 where Gal.u.t.v denotes the coordination sequence for a vertex of type v in tiling number t in the Galebach list of u-uniform tilings.

%I #3 Oct 21 2023 15:10:49

%S 1,4,9,15,19,26,28,33,39,46,49,55,59,64,64,76,80,85,88,94,98,100,110,

%T 116,119,120,129,133,135,144,153,151,155,162,170,169,180,186,187,186,

%U 199,204,205,213,221,221,222,233,240,239

%N Coordination sequence Gal.6.573.2 where Gal.u.t.v denotes the coordination sequence for a vertex of type v in tiling number t in the Galebach list of u-uniform tilings.

%C Note that there may be other vertices in the Galebach list of u-uniform tilings with u <= 6 that have this same coordination sequence. See the Galebach link for the complete list of A-numbers for all these tilings.

%H Brian Galebach, <a href="/A250120/a250120.html">k-uniform tilings (k <= 6) and their A-numbers</a>

%K nonn

%O 0,2

%A _Brian Galebach_ and _N. J. A. Sloane_, Jun 18 2018