Numbers n which are palindromic in base b, where b = sum of digits of n in base 10.

%I #57 Oct 16 2019 17:49:56

%S 16,39,41,55,96,104,123,130,141,142,155,170,181,187,214,239,250,251,

%T 260,262,274,341,343,365,385,418,422,424,435,443,464,471,494,503,505,

%U 507,543,562,599,632,665,685,706,708,753,754,818,823,835,838,843,850,859

%N Numbers n which are palindromic in base b, where b = sum of digits of n in base 10.

%H Metin Sariyar, <a href="/A308311/b308311.txt">Table of n, a(n) for n = 1..10000</a>

%H Caldwell and Honaker, <a href="https://primes.utm.edu/curios/page.php?short=41">Prime Curio for 41</a>.

%e 41 is a term because 41 = 131 in base 5 = 1 + 4.

%t Select[Range[10^5],#==IntegerReverse[#, Total[IntegerDigits[#]]]&]

%o (PARI) isok(n) = my(s=sumdigits(n)); if (s> 1, my(d = digits(n, s)); d == Vecrev(d)); \\ _Michel Marcus_, Sep 26 2019

%Y Cf. A007632.

%K nonn,base

%O 1,1

%A _Metin Sariyar_, Sep 26 2019