SanD-140 primes: primes p such that p+d is also prime and sum of digits A007953(p(p+d)) = d, with d = 140.

%I #6 Apr 09 2019 20:45:50

%S 999999893,1396348013,1411310597,1414138763,1652231723,1664027567,

%T 1673289773,1696168847,1727975297,1731718697,1731758543,1944733793,

%U 1946264813,1946778797,1983934097,1996963847,1998946847,1999999871,2142402293,2167665263,2185769513,2190177263,2222161013,2224833137

%N SanD-140 primes: primes p such that p+d is also prime and sum of digits A007953(p(p+d)) = d, with d = 140.

%C SanD-d primes exist only for d = 14 + 18*k, k = -1/2, 0, 1, 2, 3, ...

%C This is the sequence for k = 7. See cross-references for other k and related sequences, in particular the main entry A307479.

%o (PARI) print_A307478(N,d=140)=forprime(p=2,,isprime(p+d)&&sumdigits(p*(p+d))==d&&!print1(p,",")&&!N--&&break)

%Y Cf. A307471 - A307477 (d = 14+18k, k=0..6), A307479 (any d: main entry), A307480 (smallest SanD prime for given d).

%Y Cf. A000040 (primes), A007953 (sum of digits).

%K nonn,base

%O 1,1

%A _M. F. Hasler_, Apr 09 2019