Number of paraphyletic coalescence sequences for 2n lineages, n each in 2 species.

%I #10 Apr 30 2024 18:41:38

%S 0,4,162,23328,9072000,7873200000,13367512620000,40367907740160000,

%T 201793403949096960000,1578804075215377920000000,

%U 18484433452834116768000000000,312162837144268369009766400000000,7374810540967959718955457331200000000

%N Number of paraphyletic coalescence sequences for 2n lineages, n each in 2 species.

%C Consider a binary tree evolving in time from a single node until the tree has 2n labeled leaves. Color the 2n leaves in 2 colors, red and blue, assigning n leaves to each color. Suppose coalescences of pairs of leaves happen at distinct times (i.e., no simultaneous mergers). A coalescence sequence is a sequence of coalescence events backward in time, tracing the reduction of the 2n leaves to the single ancestral node. A paraphyletic coalescence sequence is a sequence in which (1) all n red leaves have a common ancestor node that is not the ancestor of any blue leaves; or (2) all n blue leaves have a common ancestor node that is not the ancestor of any red leaves; but not both (1) and (2).

%H N. A. Rosenberg, <a href="https://doi.org/10.1111/j.0014-3820.2003.tb00355.x">The shapes of neutral gene genealogies in two species: probabilities of monophyly, paraphyly, and polyphyly in a coalescent model</a>, Evolution 57 (2003), 1465-1477.

%F a(n) = 3*(n!)^2*(2*n-2)!*(n-1)/((n+1)*2^(2*n-3)).

%F a(n) ~ 24*exp(-4*n)*n^(4*n-1/2)*Pi^(3/2). - _Stefano Spezia_, Apr 30 2024

%e For n=2, consider two red leaves R1 and R2 and two blue leaves B1 and B2. The a(2)=4 paraphyletic coalescence sequences, separated by semicolons, are (R1,R2), ((R1,R2),B1), (((R1,R2),B1),B2); (R1,R2), ((R1,R2),B2), (((R1,R2),B2),B1); (B1,B2), ((B1,B2),R1), (((B1,B2),R1),R2); and (B1,B2), ((B1,B2),R2), (((B1,B2),R2),R1).

%t Table[3*(n!)^2*(2n - 2)!*(n - 1)/((n + 1)(2^(2 n - 3))), {n, 1, 30}]

%Y The total number of coalescence sequences for n leaves, from among which the paraphyletic coalescence sequences are identified, follows A006472. Reciprocally monophyletic coalescence sequences, in which conditions (1) and (2) above both hold, follow A306266.

%K nonn

%O 1,2

%A _Noah A Rosenberg_, Feb 09 2019