Rectangular array read by downward antidiagonals; row n consists of the numbers m such that n is the denominator of d(k)/d(1) + d(k-1)/d(2) + ... + d(k)/d(1), where d(1),d(2),...,d(k) are the unitary divisors of m.

%I #9 Oct 31 2019 01:43:00

%S 1,10,2,65,68,3,130,520,6,4,260,1768,15,40,5,340,2600,30,104,50,12,

%T 1105,6760,60,1040,1700,120,7,1972,17680,150,20560,3250,312,14,8,2210,

%U 62600,195,35360,7825,600,35,2080,9,4420,165896,204,85280,27625,3120,70,4112,18,20

%N Rectangular array read by downward antidiagonals; row n consists of the numbers m such that n is the denominator of d(k)/d(1) + d(k-1)/d(2) + ... + d(k)/d(1), where d(1),d(2),...,d(k) are the unitary divisors of m.

%C Every positive integer occurs exactly once, so that as a sequence, this is a permutation of the positive integers. The numbers in row n are divisible by n; see A305996 for the quotients.

%e Northwest corner:

%e 1 10 65 130 260 340 1105

%e 2 68 520 1768 2600 6760 17680

%e 3 6 15 30 60 150 195

%e 4 40 104 1040 20560 35360 85280

%e 5 50 1700 3250 7825 27625 31300

%e 12 120 312 600 3120 61680 106080

%e 7 14 35 70 140 175 350

%e 8 2080 4112 6560 32800 38048 52000

%e 9 18 90 369 585 612 738

%t t[n_] := Table[r[n][[k[n] + 1 - i]]/r[n][[k[1] + i - 1]], {i, 1, k[n]}];

%t s = Table[Total[t[n]], {n, 1, z}]; a[n_] := If[IntegerQ[s[[n]]], 1, 0];

%t d = Denominator[s];

%t row[n_] := Flatten[Position[d, n]]

%t TableForm[Table[row[n], {n, 1, 10}]] (* A305995 array *)

%t r1[n_, k_] := row[n][[k]]; zz = 10;

%t Flatten[Table[r1[n - k + 1, k], {n, zz}, {k, n, 1, -1}]] (* A305995 sequence *)

%Y Cf. A077610, A229994, A229996, A229997, A229998, A229998, A305996.

%K nonn,tabl

%O 1,2

%A _Clark Kimberling_, Jun 16 2018