%I #6 Jun 09 2018 08:42:54
%S 1,1,1,2,0,0,2,0,1,1,1
%N Number of finite sequences of positive integers of length n that are polydivisible and strictly pandigital.
%C A sequence q of length k is strictly pandigital if it is a permutation of {1,2,...,k}. It is polydivisible if Sum_{i = 1...m} 10^(m - i) * q_i is a multiple of m for all 1 <= m <= k.
%e Sequence of sets of n-digit numbers that are weakly polydivisible and strictly pandigital is (with A = 10):
%e {0}
%e {1}
%e {12}
%e {123,321}
%e {}
%e {}
%e {123654,321654}
%e {}
%e {38165472}
%e {381654729}
%e {381654729A}
%Y Cf. A000670, A010784, A030299, A050289, A143671, A144688, A156069, A156071, A158242, A163574, A240763, A305701, A305712, A305715.
%K nonn,full,base,fini
%O 0,4
%A _Gus Wiseman_, Jun 08 2018