Let s(D) = Sum_{(a,b,c)} j((-b+sqrt(D))/(2*a)) where (a,b,c) is taken over all the primitive reduced binary quadratic forms a*x^2+b*xy+c*y^2 with b^2-4*ac = D. This sequence is s(D) as D runs through the numbers -3, -4, -7, -8, -11, -12, ... .

%I #25 Jun 03 2018 07:43:53

%S 0,1728,-3375,8000,-32768,54000,-191025,287496,-884736,1264000,

%T -3491750,4834944,-12288000,16581375,-39491307,52250000,-117964800,

%U 153542016,-331531596,425692800,-884736000,1122662608,-2257834125,2835810000,-5541101568,6896880000,-13136684625

%N Let s(D) = Sum_{(a,b,c)} j((-b+sqrt(D))/(2*a)) where (a,b,c) is taken over all the primitive reduced binary quadratic forms a*x^2+b*xy+c*y^2 with b^2-4*ac = D. This sequence is s(D) as D runs through the numbers -3, -4, -7, -8, -11, -12, ... .

%H Seiichi Manyama, <a href="/A305494/b305494.txt">Table of n, a(n) for n = 1..1000</a>

%e In the case D = -15,

%e j((1+sqrt(-15))/2) + j((1+sqrt(-15))/4) = (-191025-85995*sqrt(5))/2 + (-191025+85995*sqrt(5))/2 = -191025.

%e ----+-------------------------------------------+---------

%e D | Coefficients of Hilbert class polynomial | a(n)

%e ----+-------------------------------------------+---------

%e -3 | 0, 1; | 0

%e -4 | -1728, 1; | 1728

%e -7 | 3375, 1; | -3375

%e -8 | -8000, 1; | 8000

%e -11 | 32768, 1; | -32768

%e -12 | -54000, 1; | 54000

%e -15 | -121287375, 191025, 1; | -191025

%e -16 | -287496, 1; | 287496

%e -19 | 884736, 1; | -884736

%e -20 | -681472000, -1264000, 1; | 1264000

%e -23 | 12771880859375, -5151296875, 3491750, 1;| -3491750

%e -24 | 14670139392, -4834944, 1; | 4834944

%Y Cf. A014601, A032354, A305474.

%K sign

%O 1,2

%A _Seiichi Manyama_, Jun 02 2018