The number of seconds after midnight corresponding to prime time primes, i.e., primes of the form HMMSS with primes H < 24 and MM, SS < 60, cf. A295013.

%I #13 Jan 22 2018 16:10:37

%S 7339,7351,7381,7417,7403,7421,7427,7433,7439,7469,7507,7543,7627,

%T 7637,7639,7651,7663,7667,7673,7679,7691,7693,7709,7867,7903,7939,

%U 7993,7997,7999,8003,8021,8027,8059,8063,8077,8233,8257,8287,8293,8351,8369,8377,8383

%N The number of seconds after midnight corresponding to prime time primes, i.e., primes of the form HMMSS with primes H < 24 and MM, SS < 60, cf. A295013.

%C See A295002 for the primes within this sequence, and A295000 for the corresponding 6-digit clock times.

%H M. F. Hasler, <a href="/A295003/b295003.txt">Table of n, a(n) for n = 1..1211</a> (complete sequence).

%t With[{s = Prime@ Range@ PrimePi@ 60}, Select[NumberCompose[{#1, #2, #3}, {3600, 60, 1}] & @@ # & /@ Tuples@ {TakeWhile[s, # < 24 &], s, s}, PrimeQ]] (* _Michael De Vlieger_, Jan 21 2018 *)

%o (PARI) apply( A292579, A295013) \\ convert prime time primes to seconds

%Y Cf. A295013, A295002, A295000, A295014, A295011; A050246, A159911, A229106; A118848, A118849, A118850.

%K nonn,base,fini,full

%O 1,1

%A _M. F. Hasler_, Jan 15 2018