Numbers k such that 2 is the smallest decimal digit of k^4.

%I #7 Aug 29 2017 20:06:29

%S 4,5,22,72,74,128,138,154,244,256,272,292,388,404,426,434,494,506,542,

%T 562,718,756,818,868,876,1266,1344,1372,1376,1434,1442,1512,1524,1562,

%U 1606,1766,1776,2222,2268,2278,2292,2306,2338,2392,2396,2426,2474,2574

%N Numbers k such that 2 is the smallest decimal digit of k^4.

%e 5 is in the sequence because 5^4 = 625, the smallest decimal digit of which is 2.

%o (PARI) select(k->vecmin(digits(k^4))==2, vector(10000, k, k))

%Y Cf. A291668, A291669, A291671, A291672.

%K nonn,base

%O 1,1

%A _Colin Barker_, Aug 29 2017